Vets North - Vets North West

Vets North are the vet of choice across all districts of West Auckland. Our professional veterinary practices span across multiple rural West Auckland communities including Kumeu, Waimauku and Helensville. 

From house pets to farm animals & livestock, our vets deal with animals of all sizes. Each of our clinics employ highly qualified veterinarian staff that can aid with all of your animals needs. This can include anything from rehabilitation, vaccination, medical, physiotherapy and oncology. We also offer puppy pre schooling, pet grooming and cattery services. Our complete list of vet services are outlined below.

Sheep and Cattle

Cattle and Sheep

Our vet clinics across West Auckland cater to the needs of your dairy, beef and sheep. Our vets come to you offering prompt and affordable on-farm consultancy. 

We have years of experience in a wide variety of services and can offer tailored programs for calf rearing, vaccinations and drenching. Sheep and beef cattle vaccinations ensure your livestock is kept healthy and productive throughout the course of their lives.

We also can aid in creating and enforcing nutritional and/or health plans to ensure your livestock are producing the highest quality product, without sacrificing quality of life for the animal itself. 

Lameness is also a huge issue, especially in beef cattle, and it is important that the cause of lameness be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possibly. This will also ensure that your farm can continue to operate at peak economic efficiency. 


We cater to the needs of your dairy cows. Our dairy vet specialists come with years of hands on experience and can help with a wide range of issues. 

The first and foremost being both the prevention and treatment of mastitis. Mastitis control will ensure your animals are kept both healthy and comfortable during the milking process. Our vets also offer all the same services that apply to your cattle and sheep such as parasite control, lameness evaluation as well as nutritional planning.

It is also vital that your dairy animals reproductive health be cared for, especially in regards to pregnancy. Our Vets offer full pregnancy scanning, care and general advice. 

Small Animals and Pets

Vets North continues to deliver the most reliable, affordable and professional vet service across West Auckland for Small Animals. We have worked with every pet under the sun and can ensure your pet will be given the most sincerest care. 

We offer medicinal services such as oncology, surgery, vaccinations and more to all household companions. Our Helensville and Kumeu clinics also hold puppy pre school classes at various times during the week. 


Our designated cattery is situated in the West Auckland suburb of Waimauku. The cattery contains 17 individual, self-contained suits and is under constant watch from our professional staff. 

With our clinic being veterinarian in nature, you can rest assured that your cats won’t find a safer, more secure place to stay than at Vets North. 

Dog Grooming

Our Waimauku vet clinic also offers pet grooming for your dogs and cats. Our trained staff are known throughout West Auckland for their passion, love and care when tending to your loved companions.

Our grooming prices are extremely affordable, and can include washing, brushing, ear care, nail care and more.